Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Ginchiest

After her stunning, hip shaking, shimmying performance of Don Gardner's "My Baby Likes to Boogaloo" with the Incredible Casuals at the Wellfleet Beachcomber this past Sunday afternoon, I hereby nominate Sarah Swain as "the ginchiest"

Unfortunately, this is the only pic I got of her on stage (but that's because I shot video once the song started!):

Holey Schmoley, that was totally groovy - thanks, Sarah!

Update 7/23: Chef Tony sent me another pic of Sarah on stage with Los Casuals:

I think that must be mid-shimmy ... ginchy, I'm tellin' ya, ginchy.


Susan said...

can't even believe I missed that!

Jodsworth said...

Susan - so sorry you did - it was somethin' else!