Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fear & Loathing in Wellfleet

I just heard about this crap going on in Wellfleet. Full disclosure: I know one of the co-owners of this new restaurant.

Boycott the Bookstore and Bombshelter in Wellfleet. If you live in Wellfleet, please call your selectmen and complain about this.


pinkpanthess said...

It's too bad that someone like you, who says(?) they live in Wellfleet would fall into such a trap to believe the stupid politics, rumors and such as you say, CRAP, you read in the newspaper.
Michael Parlante, as a property-owning abutter to the Higgins property, is the sole person responsible....not the Bookstore. Michael does NOT own the Bookstore. And, yes, unfortunately, he did not create a good image for them.
Had Michael received the abutter's notice that should have been mailed out, I'm sure he wouldn't have said much at all.

Jodsworth said...

Right ... Michael's not the owner of the Bookstore, his mother is (that's in the article) - but he is listed as the treasurer, and he was contacted by the writer at restaurant - other places I believe I've read that he had represented the restaurant at some town meetings.

He never really answered why he felt aggrieved by Pearl and felt the need to appeal their permits.

But that's all really secondary to the real reason to boycott the Bookstore and Bombshelter - did you know that they've been in violation of seating/septic health requrements for almost 30 years (they were initially notified in December 1989). If you like to drink the water, it's probably a good idea to avoid the place until they upgrade their septic system (which they keep trying to put off doing).

Oh ... and I never ever said I lived in Wellfleet, I just asked those who do to complain to the powers that be.