Monday, December 13, 2010

It's Almost Christmas Again!

My Facebook friends Socky & Jamie (the coolest sock puppets on the World-Wide-Interwebs) posted this video of Grandpa Puppet. I think we may just have a new Christmas Classic here at Valet Confidential.

Posting this reminds me that I have to write a little more about Socky & Jamie one of these days. They really are the coolest.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Return of the Valet - plus live CTP

This past Saturday night, several of us from the Chandler Travis Philharmonic stopped by the WMFO studios in order to promote our upcoming Christmas Cavalcade shows and just to have some fun with Bubbles in the Think Tank EAST hostess Belinda. As Belinda occasionally refers to me as being the show's valet when I'm not being Chandler's, this was double duty valet business for me.

Last night Belinda asked me to write a blog post about our appearance for her site. You can find it, along with a an mp3 of our performance, here.

I'm really glad she asked me to write the blog post. I know it's been ages since I've written anything here, but I'm hoping this gets me writing more often. I'm going to try, anyway.
